Question Title

* Child(ren)'s school:

Question Title

* Please tell us about your student(s)...

  K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Child 1 grade
Child 2 grade
Child 3 grade
Child 4 grade
Child 5 grade
Child 6 grade

Question Title

* Your level of education:

Question Title

* Let us know...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. I feel I receive consistent communication from my child(ren)’s school/teacher about math.
2. I feel I have opportunities to support my child(ren)’s learning in the classroom.
3. I feel well-prepared to help my child with math at home.
4. I actively encourage a positive attitude towards education.
5. I closely monitor my child(ren)’s progress at school.
6. I contact my child(ren)’s teacher for math support.
7. I make use of online GECDSB homework help.
8. I use online math supports provided by the school/teacher.
9. My child(ren) and I use other online math supports.

Question Title

* Please list the various online math supports that you and/or your child uses.

Question Title

* List the various ways in which you communicate with your school/teacher about math.

Question Title

* General Comments: