PIPESTEM End of Module Evaluation: Explore

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100% of survey complete.
To obtain feedback about your experience in the module, we would appreciate your honest answers to the following questions. The information you provide is confidential and will only be used by the evaluator to convey general feedback on the work of the project.

Question Title

* 1. What is your location (city/town and state)?

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* 2. Who was your trainer for this module?

Question Title

Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
1. The presentation reflected careful planning and organization.
2. The presenter delivered the material effectively.
3. What I learned as a result of this presentation will increase my effectiveness in my job.

Question Title

Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Stongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
1. I understand the long-term trends of female students in STEM classes and careers.
2. I can identify "bridge" or "transition" points for females in STEM classes and careers.
3. I can explain the different participation trends for females in core academic STEM compared to CTE STEM.
4. As a result of this session, I can now identify sources of data for core academic and CTE STEM classes and careers, locally and nationally.
5. I understand the economic consequences to women and their families and our society that are connected to the under-representation of women in STEM.
6. I identified my institution's STEM programs that are serving female students well and STEM programs that need to improve (institutional benchmarking).
7. I know how my institution is serving female students in STEM compared to other institutions in the state/state data (benchmarking).
8. I/my team have/has identified 1-3 STEM programs to increase female participation.

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* 5. Please write a brief description of something that you will do as a follow-up to this meeting.

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* 6. Please share any additional comments about things you would like to know more about or for which you need more information or assistance.