Please Note: Application for living in Thatcher has closed.
Students may still apply to join a Thatcher Language course:

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* 1. How did you learn about the Thatcher program?

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* 2. Your full name (last, first, middle)

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* 3. Please check the appropriate box below.

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* 4. Are you currently living on campus?

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* 5. Cell phone #

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* 6. UMass email address

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* 7. UMass Student ID #

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* 8. Academic Major

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* 9. Academic Minor

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* 10. Are you an international student?

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* 11. What class year are you currently?

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* 12. What is your current GPA?

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* 13. Why are you applying to be a member of Thatcher Language & Culture House? Please include thoughts about your interest and/or experience with cultural diversity. (50-150 words)

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* 14. The Thatcher Language & Culture House seeks students who will be engaged in our living & learning community. Have you ever been a member of a living learning community (ie; previously participated in Thatcher, a RAP, etc)? If so, please describe what was meaningful to you about that experience. If not, please explain what you expect a living & learning community might be like. (50 - 150 words)

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* 15. The Thatcher Language & Culture House seeks students who wish to take an active role (as a leader OR participant) in social and academic programming outside the classroom. Please explain any experience you have leading or participating in co-curricular activities (student groups, organizations, etc) or civic engagement. (50 - 150 words)

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* 16. How might YOU contribute to the social/academic programming and campus outreach as a member of Thatcher community? (50 - 150 words)

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* 17. Which program are you applying to?

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* 18. Speaking: Please rank your current level of conversational fluency in the following languages:

  Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced Near-Native Native None

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* 19. Comprehension: Please rank your ability to understand conversational language in the following languages:

  Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced Near-Native Native None

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* 20. If you are applying to one of the language programs, please mark the box that best describes your connection with the language.

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* 21. List all relevant language and culture related courses you have taken in the past 3 years. Include course name, number, the semester/year and the name of the school where you took the course.

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* 22. What language/culture course(s) are you planning to take during the Fall 2018 semester?

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* 23. Please respond to this statement by checking "yes" or "no" below. "I grant permission to the Thatcher Language and Culture House and Residential Academic Programs (RAP) to use photographs of me, without my name attached. Photos of students, audio or video recordings of students may be published on official UMass newsletters or web pages, or shared with UMass approved organizations or web services, for such purposes as program promotion and student recruitment."