The Asia Pacific Disability Constituency (APDC) invites you to submit your application to become a subregional focal point in the Asia Pacific. 

All activities of the APDC are organised in relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) implementation and the Economic and Social Commission of the Asia Pacific (ESCAP) Sustainable Development Forum.

This is a volunteer position, and the core responsibilities are: 

- carry out the technical facilitation of the Working Groups;
- organize meetings;
- maintain official records of meetings, lists of participants, and action steps; 
- ensure that the Working Groups adhere to the text of the CRPD, the 2030 Agenda and other key documents;
- work in cooperation and collaboration with the Focal Point of the APDC. 
(for more information, please see the Terms of Reference of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, here). 

We strongly encourage and welcome nominations of all persons with disabilities – and particularly those from underrepresented groups – in rural and urban areas, including persons with psychosocial, intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as women, older persons and indigenous persons with disabilities.

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Email address:

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* 3. Country of origin:

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* 4. Gender:

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* 5. Which subregion are you applying to be a subregional focal point for?

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* 6. What is your motivation to become a subregional focal point? 

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* 7. List three objectives that you would like to achieve during your term as a subregional focal point.

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* 8. Briefly elaborate on your experience with the SDGs and CRPD.

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* 9. Biography.