11a. I understand what makes a relationship healthy.
11b. I look for information and resources about dating violence (for example, websites, social media, hotlines, organizations, etc.).
11c. I would be able to resists or say no to someone I am dating or going out with if they pressured me to participate in sexual acts, such as kissing, touching private parts, or sexual intercourse.
11d. I would talk to a friend if someone I am dating or going out with makes me uncomfortable, hurts me, or pressures me to do things I don't want to do.
11e. I would talk to a trusted adult (for example, a family member, teacher, counselor, coach, etc.) if someone I am dating or going out with makes me uncomfortable, hurts me, or pressures me to do things I don't want to do.
11f. I would talk to a trusted adult if someone other than the person I am dating or going out with makes me uncomfortable, hurts me, or pressures me to do things I don't want to do.