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The information from this assessment will help the Knox County Local Food Council better serve the community. Please be honest in your responses. The assessment is completely anonymous unless you choose to add your contact information at the end to receive information or be contacted by a
Knox County Food Council representative. 

If you are a farmer/producer, please complete all of the questions. If you are not, you will complete questions 1-28, then skip to the end and click submit. 
Thank you!

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* 1. What is your Zip Code?

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* 4. What is the average income for your household?

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* 5. Please select 1 to 3 places or methods in which you most often access your food.

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* 6. How often do you shop or pick up food?

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* 7. Do you primarily get your food within Knox County?

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* 8. Do you feel like you usually have enough resources to buy the food you want to eat?

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* 9. Do you (or have you ever) participate in any of the following programs? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Would you like to see more programs like this in your community?

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* 11. How do you usually get to the place where you get your food?

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* 12. How long does it usually take you to get to the store to get food one way?

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* 13. Does transportation ever make it difficult for you to get the groceries you need?

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* 14. If transportation makes it difficult for you to get the groceries, please tell us why. (Select all that apply)

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* 15. I have had to choose whether to spend money on food or spend money on other necessities like rent or medical bills.

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* 16. I have access to and can easily find food that is nutritious and healthy.

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* 17. I have enough time to cook for myself/my family.

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* 18. Are there any foods you would like to eat or have more of in your household? (Check all that apply)

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* 19. I can easily find the foods I like to eat in my culture/tradition in Knox County.

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* 20. What foods from your culture/tradition would you like to be able to find?

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* 21. Please select 1 to 3 factors that are most important to you when choosing food.

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* 22. Have you heard of the term “locally-grown foods”?

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* 23. If you answered “Yes,” what does it mean to you?

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* 24. Do you purchase locally-grown foods?

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* 25. Do you use a community garden?

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* 26. If you answered “Yes,” Which one?

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* 27. Would you be interested in any of the following? (mark all that apply)

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* 28. Are you a Farmer or Food Producer?

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