The survey will take you about 5 minutes. The information you provide will remain confidential and your responses will remain anonymous.
100% of survey complete.
The purpose of this survey is to help RATCH-Australia in progressing planning and design of the Beryl BESS project, so we can work to enhance the positive, and minimize the negative impacts of planning, construction and operation of the project.

We would like to hear your thoughts on the project, including:

- what you value about your local area

- potential community benefit sharing ideas

- concerns you may have about the proposed project.

Question Title

* 1. In your own words, please describe what you value most about your local area? (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Thinking about your local area, please select which of the following are most important to you [please select up to three choices]:

  Most Important Very important Important
Cost of living
Landscape and natural environment
Health and wellbeing 
Local employment and opportunities
Strong and connected communities 
Culture and heritage
Access to social infrastructure and services
Public transport

Question Title

* 3. In your own words, please describe what you value about your local area? (Optional)

Question Title

* 4. Thinking about your local area, describe some of the challenges your community faces. This may include: cost of living, access to local employment, services, crime, environmental protection, natural hazards and so on. (Optional)

Question Title

* 5. Thinking about this project, how important are the following potential benefits?

  Very important Important Neutral Not important Not at all important
Employment opportunities for local people during construction of the BESS
Expenditure of construction workforce in the local area (food, drink, petrol, local services, supplies)
Community benefit sharing scheme (such as grants or sponsorships of events, groups or clubs or neighbourhood improvements).
Supporting investment in and use of renewable energy (such as wind and solar) in the transition to net zero

Question Title

* 6. What other potential benefits do you think the project could bring? (Optional)

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about this project, how concerned are you with the following?

  Very important Important Neutral Not important Not at all important
Construction noise, light and dust caused by construction activities such as earthworks and civil works and construction traffic
Workforce size during construction, including impacts on local accommodation or services
Impacts on the local environment (such as trees, landscape or waterways)
Operational maintenance, and traffic noise (post construction)
Visual impacts and changes to the landscape (being able to see the BESS once completed)
Safety and hazard management of the BESS during its operation
Decommissioning (use of land once BESS operational life has finished)
Aboriginal cultural heritage impacts
Non-Aboriginal heritage impacts

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* 8. How interested are you in being informed and updated about this project?

Question Title

* 9. How would you like to be informed about this project in the future? Please select all which apply:

Question Title

* 10. Would you like to register for receipt of project updates by email?

Question Title

* 11. You can register to receive project updates by email here: