Purpose of Survey

Dear Valued Team Member!
It is with great excitement that we launch this second survey at the end of the fiscal and WIG year for the Campus.  Your feedback is important to us.  We want to know how we have done as a Campus in improving your satisfaction with Beatitudes Campus and obtain objective results to let us know if we achieved this year's WIG goal related to employee satisfaction.  Your responses will also help us tweak our WIG goals for next year to continue to improve work life here at Beatitudes Campus.

We want to let you know that your answers on this survey will be completely anonymous, but we do ask that you select the department group that your job falls under to help us identify trends.  Surveys should be completed on paid time.  We will also enter every person's name that completes the survey into a raffle for one of two $50 Target Gift Cards at the conclusion of the survey.  Just email Kim Martin at kmartin@beatitudescampus.org or call her at Ext. 16191 when you complete your survey.
Topics that will be touched on in this survey include:
     - Overall Satisfaction
     - Basic demographic information (department, age range, time with Campus, etc), will not be tied to survey responses
The survey should take you 5-7 minutes. 

If you have any questions, please ask any member of the Human Resources Team.  Also, please look for a separate email from the HR Team advising what days/times the resident computer lab will be open to accommodate staff without computer access to take this survey.
The survey is open now through 5:00PM on Tuesday, September 27th.
With great appreciation,

Michelle Just                                  Tara Bethell
President & CEO                            Sr. VP, Human Resources & Risk Management