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* 1. How did you hear about IBD Connect Inc.?

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* 2. Do you know that IBD Connect offers support groups, both in-person and virtual?

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* 3. How would you prefer to attend support group meetings?

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* 4. Which types of activities would interest you and your family the most at support group meetings, either in-person or virtual?

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* 5. Do you know that IBD Connect offers special events for pediatric IBD patients and their families (e.g. Fall Festival and Corn Maze event, Urban Air outing, etc.)?

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* 6. Do you have any anxiety or hesitations about attending either our in-person meetings or events? If so, please let us know your concerns in the "other" text box so we can better serve you! What would make it easier to attend?

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* 7. Do you know that IBD Connect offers a blog online that covers a vast array of IBD topics?

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* 8. What types of events and/or programs would you like to see IBD Connect offer? If you would like to see us offer something that isn't listed, please let us know in the "other" text box.

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* 9. I feel comfortable reaching out to IBD Connect if I have a problem, a question, or a concern I am struggling with or would like help in navigating.

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* 10. Any other comments about IBD Connect's support groups, events, online content, and/or social media that you would like to share with us? Anything you would like to see more or less of? Any new suggestions? Anything you do not like?