The Treasure Bath Experience

A general interest form

This survey was created for all of you lovely humans who would like to stay informed as this project grows, we get our website up, and host more events. Also created for event inquiries, feedback, and involvement. 
1.Welcome! What is your name? (Required.)
2.We're so glad you are here! Why are you here? (Check all that apply)(Required.)
3.Do you have any feedback you would like to provide about a treasure bath you had?(Required.)
4.If there is an event that you would like to see us at, please name it here:
5.Interested in getting involved? Please tell us a little bit more about areas in which you have experience! (select all that apply - no experience necessary! We'd just like to know more about you :))
6.We are always on the lookout for neat treasure, furniture, decor and props that will enhance the space! Do you think you have something and would like to donate?(Required.)
7.Finally, what is the best way to reach you? Please provide us with your e-mail, phone, facebook or Instagram handle.(Required.)