About 'Person In Charge"

Risk Based Inspections require that the Certified Food Manager (or Person In Charge during the shift) is knowledgeable about food safety. See Food Code Section 2-201.11.

This quiz tests your knowledge on food safety topics expected of the Person In Charge.

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* 1. Which of the following symptoms does NOT need to be reported?

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* 2. If someone was diagnosed with _____ in the last 3 months but did NOT take antibiotics, they must report this history to the PIC.

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* 3. True or False. If someone in a household has a confirmed notifiable disease, other household occupants in food service must notify their PIC about the potential exposure.

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* 4. An open lesion on the hand must be __________________.

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* 5. True or False. An open lesion does not need to be reported to the PIC unless it is on one’s hands or arms.  

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* 6. When should the PIC report a notifiable disease to the Health Department?

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* 7. The PIC has the authority to exclude a food employee from responsibility if the employee exhibits:

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* 8. Which is NOT a reportable disease?

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* 9. When should a food establishment employee/food handler wash their hand? Check all that apply:

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* 10. What can a handwashing sink be used for?