Menlo Park Library User Survey

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* 1. Which Menlo Park Library location do you consider to be your main library?

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* 2. How often do you use either the Main Library (Alma Street) or Belle Haven (Ivy Street) branch library?

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* 3. What's your favorite thing about the Menlo Park Library?

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* 4. What do you use the library for the most?  (Check up to 5)

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* 5. Do you use the library remotely through the library website to (Please check all that apply):

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* 6. What’s one thing you wish you could do at the library? Please tell us more.

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* 7. Please rate the below current & potential new services

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Games night; to build community
Adult meet ups
Class/individual instruction on computers, e-devices
Monthly e-newsletter
Ancestry databases and genealogy research club
Literacy outreach (i.e. books for prisoners, battered women, the homeless, etc.)
Writing group
Expanded teen program (services additional to current teen offering)
Small group collaborative space
Specialized book clubs
Study/meeting/collaborative rooms
Quiet place to work (tables)
Force for change in community
Drop in tutoring/homework help
Informational/educational programs
Teen computer programming meet ups
Teen maker space
Literacy training
A safe place for kids to go after school (ages 12 & older)
Quiet place to read (armchairs)
Local author events for adults
Youth/teen educational series (speakers, special topics)

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the below expanded adult programs and services. (Please check all that apply)

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Longer/different hours
Not interested in expanded services
Being able to enjoy food/beverage while reading
More computers

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the below expanded children/teen programs and services.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Parenting programs
Summer reading programs
Story hour
Areas for adults to work while children remain nearby and supervised
Expanded children’s collection

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* 10. Do you use other libraries? If so, please tell us which ones and why?

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* 11. How do you find out about the library’s programs and services? (Check all that apply)

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* 12. I can usually find parking when I visit the Main Library - Alma Street.

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* 13. Did you ever skip your library visit because you couldn't find a parking space?

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* 14. Please use this space to leave any other comments you may have about the library or library services