Kia ora koutou

The past few weeks have thrown up unexpected opportunities and challenges. Your support has been vital and on behalf of everyone I wanted to thank you again.

In talking to a range of people, distance learning provided unexpected positives along and areas where we could have done things differently. I want to capture your feedback so we can reflect on the experience and look at whether we can take the positives and shape them into changes for the future.

Nga mihi

Question Title

* 1. Are you a:

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* 2. Connected primarily with what section(s) of Michael Park:

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* 3. What were the positives from distance learning for your family?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions for how we can transfer these positives into the school/KG now your child has returned?

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* 5. What made distance learning difficult for your family?

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* 6. What could we have done differently and how do you think we could have done this?

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* 7. Any other feedback?