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Welcome to our survey to find out what you think about our latest digital copy

The latest Level 3 lockdown has meant disruption yet again to our publication process and we’ve produced another digital issue. It remains a learning process for us and we've made a few tweaks, so we’d value your feedback about what you think this time around.

Your opinion matters to us and by sharing your thoughts and views you’ll help us keep improving and bringing you the best resources possible. It'll only take a few minutes to complete the survey. PLUS, if you choose to include your details, you’ll go into a draw to WIN a $50 Prezzy Card.

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* 1. How often do you normally read INTERFACE Magazine?

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* 2. Overall, what do you think of the digital magazine?

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* 3. What did you think to the reproduction quality of the digital text and images?

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* 4. Did you access the magazine via the INTERFACE website or the Issuu platform?

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* 5. Did you use the additional content features available on the Issuu platform?

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* 6. What did you like and dislike about the digital copy?

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* 7. Given the choice, what format would you prefer?

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* 8. Would you read INTERFACE Magazine if it was only published in digital format?

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* 9. If INTERFACE stopped publication, what would you miss most about not receiving it?

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* 10. Thanks for taking part and telling us what you think. You’re welcome to submit answers anonymously. However, if you’d like to enter the draw to win a $50 Prezzy card, enter your details below.
Please be assured that your personal information is confidential and will not be passed to any third parties. We just need to know who to give the prize to!
The closing date for entries is Wednesday 28 October. The winner will be drawn at random from all complete entries.

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