Mental Health and Addictions Department Survey

Thank you for accessing the Mental Health and Addiction Department survey! Your responses are valued and will help us to improve the services offered in the MHA department. Please remember this is an anonymous survey, and while all feedback is valued, any personal complaints should be taken to the department director, Shelley Watt Proulx, or described in a complaint form accessible through a member of the CWD. Please answer all questions and comments to the best of your abilities to give us the best feedback possible, Miigwetch!

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. How do you identify?

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* 3. When was your last visit to the MHA department?

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* 4. What day did you visit?

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* 5. What was the purpose of your visit?

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* 6. How welcoming was the CWD?

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* 7. How safe did you feel entering the CWD?

Very Safe Safe Not Safe At All
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. Do you feel the MHA team offers enough programming and interaction in the community?

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* 9. What programs would you like to see?

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* 10. Did the MHA team meet your needs?

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* 11. Where could we improve?

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* 12. Were staff easily accessible?

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* 13. Where do you go for information on MHA services and programming?

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* 14. Please provide any other comments or suggestions you may have about your experience with the MHA Team