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* 1. What was the last book you couldn't put down? Can you articulate why you liked that book so much?

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* 2.  Tell me a little about yourself. What is your favorite movie and why? What do you like to do in your free time? Relationship/family status? Having a small sense of who you are and what makes you happy can help us identify good books for you.

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* 3. What genres do you typically read? (Select your Top 5)

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* 4. How do you feel about romance in your books?

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* 5. How much are you willing to be stretched in your reading/genre preferences?

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* 6. Anything you absolutely cannot or will not read? Or maybe just don't like?

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* 7. What do you look for in a book?

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* 8. When do you usually read?

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* 9. Please list up to 5 favorite authors:

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* 10. Please enter your contact info for a chance to win a Library Swag Bag (one entry per person) and so we can send you your list! (we will do our best to send you your list within 2 weeks of your survey submission)