You recently participated in an educational meeting where an MPACT representative was present. Please share your feedback with us to help us improve our programming. MPACT takes your privacy very seriously. Personal information will not be shared with anyone outside of MPACT, and any reports we generate will not include personal or identifying information.

Question Title

* Fill in the information below. All fields must be answered to proceed to the next section.

Question Title

* When was the meeting?


Question Title

* What was the format of the meeting?

Question Title

* Were you notified prior to the meeting that an MPACT mentor would be attending?

Question Title

* At the meeting, did the MPACT mentor share an identification letter and introduce themselves as an MPACT mentor?

Question Title

* Mark the answer that best describes your response to each question.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The MPACT mentor acted in a professional manner.
The MPACT mentor provided adequate support to the parent/individual at the educational meeting.
The MPACT mentor helped resolve concerns presented during the educational meeting.
The MPACT mentor was knowledgeable about IDEA.
The MPACT mentor was knowledgeable about the special education process.
The information provided by the MPACT mentor was accurate.
The MPACT mentor adequately prepared the parent/individual for the educational meeting.
Overall, the participation of the MPACT mentor in the educational meeting was valuable.
I would recommend MPACT to other parents/individuals.
100% of survey complete.