IL Outcomes Instructions


This evaluation tool has been approved by the SILC and is the Outcomes-based measurement tool for Missouri Independent Living Centers. It is intended to satisfy 5 CSR 90-8.010 (4)(G).

Evaluation Survey Guidelines:

This survey is a series of questions about services received by persons with disabilities from independent living centers in Missouri and their satisfaction with those services.

To ensure accurate reporting all consumers surveyed should answer all questions. The survey will be open until November 15, 2024. Please plan accordingly to meet this deadline. ALL responses must be received on or before the deadline. Please do not use all caps when answering the comments sections.

This survey will be conducted by telephone interview of consumers determined by a random sample of the Center population as defined below*.

This is a survey of both active and inactive consumers.

• For the purpose of this survey, the *Center Population = Active + Inactive consumers:

o Active = consumer who received, or began, services during October 1 through September 30

o Inactive = consumer who withdrew from active status during October 1 through September 30 for any reason except death or moving.

• Each sample shall be 20% of the IL population as defined above or 30 consumers whichever is larger.


Are you a United States Veteran?

Are you eligible for Missouri Medicaid?

Are you a registered Voter?

Do you vote for elected officials?

Services Received and Satisfaction Levels

Ask the consumer about each service they received separately, so they can report receiving more than one service. For any questions needing narrative answers, please avoid using all capital letters in the response.