RSVP for MORE Social Mixer
NEA-Retired Social - We're So Glad You're Here!
Thank you for your RSVP! We are planning an enjoyable social and networking event. Call or email Julie Horwin, President, AEA-Retired with any questions at 602-320-3093 or jhorwin@mindspring.com.
It's time to meet again, join your colleagues in a great lunch with fun activities. And because we pride ourselves in being a learning organization, we'll provide a great speaker on how the proposed Congressional Medicare, Social Security reforms will change your personal health care and retirement.
Come join us for a wonderful time with your colleagues from across the United States and from Arizona!
With warmest regards, and looking forward to meeting you, talking with you and listening to your stories of busy "life in retirement!"
Julie Horwin
President, AEA-Retired
Come join us for a wonderful time with your colleagues from across the United States and from Arizona!
With warmest regards, and looking forward to meeting you, talking with you and listening to your stories of busy "life in retirement!"
Julie Horwin
President, AEA-Retired