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Parent Program Survey

Mountain Oaks Parents:
The Mountain Oaks Board of Directors is again seeking input on your family's educational priorities and the needs of your Mountain Oaks students.  Your personal responses will be kept confidential, therefore we encourage you to be forthcoming with your opinion. Any data shared publicly will be presented as anonymous groups, not through individual responses. The information you will provide is very important to us.

This is your opportunity to be heard by the Mountain Oaks Board of Directors as they begin planning the school's course of the year to come (the 2023-2024school year). The Board uses your input to develop the short and long-range goals for Mountain Oaks. Your answers are collected, analyzed and used to guide how, when and where we spend our money, time and efforts.

The questions found in this survey are linked to our current Student Learning Outcomes and WASC Action Plan for the school.  These Learning Outcomes are derived from the WASC process itself, our Charter Petition, our Annual LCAP and other forms of student-driven data. 
During the Annual Meeting, the Mountain Oaks Community will review the responses to this survey and other data points in an effort to identify ways for Mountain Oaks to improve our effectiveness in achieving our Student Learning Outcomes during the 23-24 School Year.
We understand how valuable your time is and greatly appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey. 

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* 1. Family Demographics:

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* 2. Communication lines are clear between Mountain Oaks families and the School Staff.

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* 3. What is your preferred method of communication with the school and the staff?

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* 4. Which site do you consider to be your home site?

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* 5. I have the following in my home:

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* 6. Mountain Oaks' academic program is meeting the needs of our family; providing our family with adequate resources and curriculum.  Please provide feedback if applicable.

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* 7. Do you access online curriculum and/or attend workshops virtually?

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* 8. Does your family prefer virtual and/or digital learning options?

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* 9. Mountain Oaks provides a full range of Student Support Services: Counseling, Special Education, College and Career Guidance, Dual Enrollment, Work Experience; etc. 
Please provide feedback if applicable.

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* 10. I am familiar with and understand the grades, assessments and testing in which my student(s) participate.  Please provide feedback if applicable.

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* 11. My family clearly understands the goals and expectations for my student(s), as it relates to Academic Achievement.  Please provide feedback if applicable.

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* 12. I am familiar with and understand the paperwork, policies and procedures for managing my student's learning plan.  Please provide feedback if applicable.

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* 13. Mountain Oaks provides a safe learning environment and maintains a positive school culture.

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* 14. I am comfortable communicating with the Mountain Oaks Staff and Administration.

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* 15. The Mountain Oaks Governing Board, Administration and Staff are effective with the overall management and operation of the school.

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* 16. I am interested in participating in focus groups put on by the School Administration to discuss the future of Mountain Oaks and the Parent Teacher Organization.

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* 17. Please describe the curriculum resources and workshops your student(s) use  and feel are most important. What recommendations do you have for curriculum and/or workshops?

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* 18. What are the Special Events and Workshops that are most important to your family?  Feel free to recommend.

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* 19. Learning opportunities and activities at Mountain Oaks match my student(s) interests.

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* 20. If available, would you be interested in participating in parent training/seminar in the areas of academics, behavior or
organizational strategies?

Not Interested Somewhat interested Very interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 21. What would be your preferred day to attend a seminar?

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* 22. What would be your preferred time of day?

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* 23. Do you plan to continue enrollment at Mountain Oaks next year?

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* 24. Additional comments or observations you would like to add that are not part of this survey:

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