Would you like to become more involved in the work of the MOA, but not sure how to do so? 
We welcome your active participation in the work of our organization. We have six committees that work to ensure we are fulfilling the mission of the MOA and the needs of our members. Each is described in detail below, including estimated time commitment and leadership. All committees generally convene via virtual meeting in the evenings, dependent on member availability.  

  • Professional Advocacy Committee (Legislative Committee):Actively pursues and monitors legislative agendas pertinent to the successful progress of the Osteopathic Profession; keeps members informed during the legislative session and actively seeks donations to the Maine Osteopathic Association Political Action Committee (MOPAC). This Committee holds weekly calls to discuss legislation during Maine’s legislative sessions.​
    • Chaired by Brian Kaufman, DO-- MOA President-Elect
  • Professional and Public Education Committee: Develops and ensures high quality osteopathic CME programs-Annual Convention and the Midwinter Conference; promotes the osteopathic profession throughout the State of Maine and the New England Region; and enhances the MOA visibility with residents and students. The Education Committee holds biweekly planning calls when preparing for upcoming events.
    • Co-Chaired by Jodie Hermann, DO & Josephine Conte, DO
  • Medical Economics Committee (Formerly known as the Payor/Payee Committee): Ensures that the osteopathic profession is represented at the third party payor level and at the Federal/State Regulatory level; ensures that the effectiveness and efficacy of OMT is demonstrated to third party payors; informs and educates members on the proper methods of solving disputes with third party payors; and promotes correct coding and billing education. This committee convenes as necessary.
    • ​Co-Chaired by Stephanie Collins, DO & Kiran Manglam, DO 
  • Membership Committee: Works with MOA staff to develop membership recruitment campaign strategies, outreach, and member services. This committee convenes as necessary, but is expected to become more active in the next year.​
    • Co-Chaired by Kathryn Brandt, DO & Audrey Okun-Langlais, DO
  • Technology and Communications Committee: Aims to increase the visibility and awareness of osteopathic medicine; to promote the Maine Osteopathic Association through timely and effective communications utilizing advanced technology; and to develop short and long-term infrastructure redesign and user-friendly technology for both internal and external communications. This committee convenes as necessary.​
    • Chaired by Jack Forbush, DO
  • Finance and Sustainability Committee: Develops short and long-term plans that will result in financial stability for the organization including partnering with the Membership Committee on the membership drive to increase dues revenue; develops new ways to seed our endowment; and engages the membership in discussions about planned giving. This committee convenes as necessary.​
    • Chaired by David Scaccia, DO-- MOA President

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* 2. I am ready to join! Please add me to the:

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Please contact the MOA office by phone at 207-623-1101 or by email at office@mainedo.org if you have any questions about serving on a committee.