Summer 2024 CivicLAB Evaluation Form Question Title * 1. We currently offer tickets to our CivicLAB events free of charge. Would you still be interested in attending if there was a small charge? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. CivicLAB events are delivered in partnership with the University of Derby – would you like to see more free public talks from the CivicLAB at Derby Book Festival? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How did you hear about Derby Book Festival? Question Title * 4. Have you ever attended Derby Book Festival before? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Are you going to any of the other events at this year’s festival? Yes No We'd love to know which other Festival events you're attending? Question Title * 6. Please tick all the statements that apply to you, based on your experience of this year’s Festival: It has been a good experience I would recommend Derby BookFestival to other people I had a friendly welcome The programme had a good range ofevents There were technical problems duringthe event I would attend future festival events The venue had access issues The Festival could have been betteradvertised The event was well organised It was good value for money I found it easy to book tickets The Festival had a good online presence Question Title * 7. What events would you be interested in attending in the future? (Please tick all) Politics History Popular Culture Gardening / Natural World Romance True Crime Activities and Leisure Biography / Memoir Literary Fiction Young Adult Writing Workshops Poetry / Drama Debut Novelists Film / TV / Music Graphic Novels and Manga Panel Discussions Food / Drink Crime / Thriller Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror Health / Wellness Art / Craft / Fashion / Design Children's Books Activities for Children Science Travel Question Title * 8. Please rate your overall experience of attending Derby Book Festival? 0 (Poor) 3 (Fine) 7 (Excellent) Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 9. Please indicate your age group Under 16 16-25 26-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Prefer not to say Question Title * 10. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes* No Prefer not to say * If you answered Yes, could Derby BookFestival have done anything further to meetyour needs? Question Title * 11. How would you describe your ethnicity? (Please enter 'prefer not to say' if you'd rather not disclose) Question Title * 12. How would you describe your gender identity? (Please enter 'prefer not to say' if you'd rather not disclose) Question Title * 13. How would you describe your sexual orientation? (Please enter 'prefer not to say' if you'd rather not disclose) Question Title * 14. If you'd like to be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 book voucher, please leave your email address below (please note: your email address will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998). Done