Schwartzhund Puppy Buyer Application

Please answer honestly, elaborating where you feel is required to better help your chances of making it to the next step in the process…

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* 1. What is the First & Last Name & contact details of all applicants?

DON’T Forget a phone No (should you be successful - we will have a chat and arrange a face to face meeting).

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* 2. What Suburb and State do you live in?

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* 3. Do you own or rent the current place you're living in?

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* 4. Is the property you live at fully fenced & is there somewhere your puppy can be kept safe whilst you are not at home, out of sight of others or indoors - feel free to elaborate. There are things you will need to consider when protecting you new puppy from theft - don’t fill Socials with your intent to purchase or photos (ensure you have location off when posting any pics too!)

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* 5. Do you have any children living at the same address?

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* 6. Have you owned a Large breed of dog in the past? Do you prefer a male or a female puppy?

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* 7. What research on Rottweilers have you done?
What do you consider 5 main attributes that the breed must possess?

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* 8. What dog sports (if any) have you participated in, in the past?

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* 9. What type of socialising to you intend to undertake with you new puppy?

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* 10. Do you understand the ongoing monetary outlay required for - feeding, grooming, veterinary care, annual council registration fees & maintenance costs required when owning a dog? You will need to budget/set aside a minimum of $40 per week.

PLEASE NOTE: All Schwartzhund Puppy’s are sold with a Sales Contract detailing the obligations and rights of the breeder & the new owner(s).