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Minnesota Business Pulse Survey

Please take a few minutes to share how you're business is doing, and what you're anticipating in the months ahead. Your answers remain anonymous and you will receive a report detailing the findings from this survey.

Question Title

* 1. When it comes to COVID-19’s impact on the economy and your industry, what have you done that’s new and is working well?

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* 2. When it comes to COVID-19’s impact on the economy and your industry, what did you try and it didn’t work well? And if applicable, what are you doing to make it work well?

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* 3. How did these areas of your business change during the first calendar quarter ended March 31, 2020?

  -11-25% (if more, pls. specify in #21) -1-10% Unchanged +1-10% +11-25% (if more, pls. specify in #21)
Number of full-time employees
Capital expenditures
Spending on R&D
Marketing and advertising
Level of productivity or service delivery
New orders
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Employee productivity

Question Title

* 4. In the current quarter ending June 30, 2020, how will the following areas of your business change?

  -11-25% (if more, pls. specify in #21) -1-10% Unchanged +1-10% +11-25% (if more, pls. specify in #21)
Number of full-time employees
Capital expenditures
Spending on R&D
Marketing and advertising
Level of productivity or service delivery
New orders
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Employee productivity

Question Title

* 5. In the current calendar quarter ending June 30, 2020...

  Much harder Harder Unchanged Easier Much easier
Attracting & retaining qualified employees is:
Supply chain management is:
Inventory management is:
Obtaining financing or refinancing is:
Covering financial obligations is:

Question Title

* 6. In the next calendar quarter ending Sept. 30, 2020...

  Much harder Harder Unchanged Easier Much easier
Attracting & retaining qualified employees should be:
Supply chain management should be:
Inventory management should be:
Obtaining financing or refinancing should be:
Covering financial obligations should be:

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* 7. What do you anticipate as your biggest business challenge between now and June 30?

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* 8. Looking ahead, in the third quarter ending Sept. 30, overall business conditions/the economy will likely:

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* 9. If the economy continues in its present condition or deteriorates further, how long is your business able to continue operating without facing potential bankruptcy or closure?

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* 13. How many states is your business in?

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* 18. If you would like to add anything, please write it here.

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* 19. If you would like to run a business challenge or question by seasoned experts at the Platinum Group, please describe it below and include your contact information.

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* 20. Would you like to see the findings from this survey? If so, please enter your email address below. You will remain anonymous: this is simply so we can send you the survey results.

Thank you for sharing your perspectives. These findings will be used to benchmark change in future quarters.
Copyright 2020 Kurschner Research
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