
Your child’s summer program is part of a statewide program being studied by the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE). The program is being studied to find out how well it is working. What the WVDE learns from this study may help improve programs like this in the future.

By filling out the questions in this survey, you are consenting to take part in the survey. Your participation is completely voluntary:
  • Your responses are anonymous. No one will know your answers.
  • You may choose not to participate.
  • You may choose not to answer any questions you do not want to answer or do not understand.
  • You may stop participating at any time during the survey.
  • Filling out the survey should take 5-10 minutes.
Taking part in this survey will put you at no more risk than you would experience during any normal day. Although you may not benefit directly by taking part in the survey, it is possible that because of what we learn, schools in West Virginia may improve to better meet the needs of students.

You will receive no money or other reward for taking part in this survey. If you decide not to take part or to stop at any time, there will be no penalties or loss of benefits to you. For more information about the Summer SOLE 2023 Survey, you may contact the survey team at surveys.wvde@k12.wv.us.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to participate in the Summer SOLE 2023 survey.
   (By clicking "Yes" below, the survey will begin on the next page)