Community Engagement Survey

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

You may not even be aware but Macarthur Memorial Park is the first Sydney community cemetery to be built in fifty years.  The results of this survey will help ensure that the Sydney community and individual groups’ needs, challenges and ideals are understood and considered.  You may not be able to answer all questions but any questions you can respond to will help us build the complete picture. 

When answering the questions the term "community group" may refer to your religious group, local community or industry or peer group.

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* 1. What community or interest group do you belong to?

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* 4. If you have ever organised or participated in the organisation of a funeral/cemetery service, what was the hardest aspect that you had to overcome?

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* 5. What is the biggest problem with dealing with cemeteries?

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* 6. Describe a time when you have dealt with a company buying a product or using a service that has been a great experience?  What did it do for you that made it so great?

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* 7. What are the community events and occasions that are important to your community and that you participate in?

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* 8. In your community/social group who would you ask to help to organise a funeral/burial or cemetery services?

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* 9. When it comes to funerals and cemetery services what are the rituals that are important or unique to your community?

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* 10. What are the cemetery services that are currently being used by your community or interest group?

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* 11. What aspects of the funeral and cemetery process are difficult for your community to achieve?

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* 12. How do people in your community come to  planning their end of life plans in your community? Is there an event, trigger or age that prompts the planning?

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* 13. How can we overcome people's fear of talking and planning their own death in your community?

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* 14. How best can MMP consult and have ongoing relationship with your community?

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* 15. The cemetery industry hasn't changed in many years, what could they borrow or learn from other businesses or industries that would make it an easier experience for families and or funeral directors?

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* 16. If you could create an ideal cemetery what would it look like? Please describe it?

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* 17. How likely are you to visit a cemetery in the future?

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* 18. What could a cemetery offer that would entice you to visit?

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* 19. Online memorials - how interested would you be in visiting an online memorial site to your family members

Thank you for your message.

The information you have provided will help us design a new cemetery for the future of Sydney.  If you would like to be further involved in collaborating with us please leave your details and we will be in contact:

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* 20. Address