Please help us improve the Family Room by sharing your feedback. Thank you!

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* 1. How many times have you visited the Family Room?

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* 2. How old is the grandchild you had in mind when visiting the Family Room? If you had multiple grandchildren in mind, please pick one to focus on for the remainder of this questionnaire.

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* 3. How far does your grandchild live from you (by car, bus, or train)?

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* 4. Which members of your family that you know of have visited the Family Room? Please check all that apply.

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* 5. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements about the Family Room website?

  Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree or disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
It is fun
It is welcoming
It is easy to navigate
It is visually appealing
The text is clear and readable

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* 6. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements about the Family Room?

  Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree or disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
It enables me to spend enjoyable time with my grandchild.
It helps me connect my grandchild to Judaism
It helps me teach my grandchild about Jewish traditions and customs
It helps me transmit Jewish values to my grandchild
It helps make holidays and celebrations more meaningful for me and my grandchild.
It helps me and my grandchild find additional Jewish meaning and purpose in our everyday experiences.

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* 7. The Family Room site currently has eight different sections or categories. So far, which one section interests you most?

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* 8. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements about the Family Room.

  Definitely Probably MIght or might not Probably not Definitely not
I plan on visiting the Family Room again in the future.
I plan on recommending the Family Room to friends and relatives.
I plan to encourage my grandchild’s parents to visit the Family Room.

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* 9. What additional types of content would you like to see in the Family Room? Click all that apply.

The next two questions are for statistical purposes only.

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* 10. With which gender do you identify?

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* 11. In which faith or tradition is your grandchild being raised?

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* 12. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Thank you. Please let us know if you have any questions or ideas about the Family Room you would like to share:

And please do join our mailing list to receive our newsletter, hear about upcoming events, get grandparenting tips, and discover exciting family experiences: 

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