The Maine Lawyers Review is going on thirty years of service to the Maine legal community, and like anyone turning thirty, we're making some changes! To make sure that we're providing you with the content you want, in the format you need, we've partnered with the Maine State Bar Association on a quick survey about your use of the Maine Bar Journal and the Maine Lawyers Review. Even if you're not a current subscriber, it pays to fill out the survey, as everyone who does will be entered to win a $50 gift card, so please take a few minutes and let us know your thoughts.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you subscribed to the Maine Lawyers Review?

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following sections of the MLR do you regularly read? (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 3. On average, how soon after an issue of the MLR arrives in your office do you read it?

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how helpful is the Maine Lawyers Review to your practice?

Question Title

* 5. When conducting legal research on Maine law, which of the following do you use? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. If the MLR were to offer an online, searchable database of past decisions and summaries, how likely would you be to use it when conducting legal research?

Question Title

* 7. Given a choice of formats, how would you prefer to access these features in the future?

  Print Edition Online (MLR Website) E-Mailed Newsletter
Court Opinions / Decisions
Front Page Articles / Analysis
News of Lawyers
Contributor Columns / Articles
Employment Ads

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following sections of the MSBA Bar Journal do you regularly read?

Question Title

* 9. Overall, how helpful is the MSBA Bar Journal to your practice?

Question Title

* 10. If a digital option of the MSBA Bar Journal was to become available, would you prefer to get it in digital, or printed form?

Question Title

* 11. Where do you work?

Question Title

* 12. What is your job title / role?

Question Title

* 13. To be entered in the drawing for a $50 gift card, please leave your email address here, along with any comments, questions, or suggestions you have as to what you'd like to see in the MLR.