“To Promote Diversity and Inclusion”

NESTS will be formed around shared identity or common goals to build networks and community at the University of Hartford. In creating these NESTS we hope to:
  • Foster inclusion and community through a support network of allies and peers;
  • Build professional networks;
  • Provide mentoring and coaching;
  • Enhance faculty, staff, and student support, recruitment and retention;
  • Celebrate cultural awareness and diversity competencies;
  • Advocate for policies and programs to meet the needs of the NESTS;
  • Serve as a resource for faculty, staff, students, campus organizations, administration and the broader community;
  • Create a safe space for people to feel comfortable bringing their whole self to work.

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* 1. University of Hartford is exploring three categories of NESTS help to focus interest while providing an open structure to accommodate a broad range of affinities. The NESTS categories are identity-based organizations, professional communities, and special interest and activity groups.   You are encouraged to be involved in many of these NESTS as they are a great way to meet new colleagues outside of your department, find mentors/mentees, learn new skills, and develop leadership skills. 

Have you participated in an affinity or employee resource group elsewhere?

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* 2. Identity-based NESTS honor the diversity of our faculty and staff, while also offering a safe space on campus to share, support, and learn about each other.   Please note that the list below is not all-inclusive.  Select as many identity-based NESTS that you would be interested in joining.

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* 3. Professional Communities NESTS assemble to promote interests and professional development in specific fields or areas. Members of Professional Communities share knowledge and expertise to develop and refine skills beneficial to each person’s daily practice and believe in on-going leadership training and mentorship to enhance progress and growth in one’s career. 

Please note that the list below is not all-inclusive.  Select as many professional communities NESTS that you would be interested in joining.

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* 4. Special Interest and Activity NESTS gather to provide camaraderie and encouragement with like-minded peers. These groups form through the pursuit of activities centered around sport, hobbies and crafts, or to make connections with others experiencing similar stressors. 

Please note that the list below is not all-inclusive.  Select as many special interest and activity groups that you would be interested in joining.

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* 5. Would you be interested in serving in a leadership capacity for a NESTS that you have expressed interest in joining?

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* 6. If yes, please specify which NESTS.

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* 7. If you're interested, how can we reach you?

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* 8. Are you faculty or staff?