Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index

Question Title

* 1. Please type your name. Surname, First Name

Question Title

* 2. Who is your Physiotherapist?

Instructions: In Sections 2, 3, and 4, questions will be asked about your hip or knee pain. Please select the most appropriate response. If you are unsure about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.

Question Title

* 3. Think about the pain you felt in your hip/knee during the last 48 hours.  How much pain do you have?

  0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Extreme
Walking on a flat surface
Going up and down stairs
 At night while in bed, pain disturbs your sleep
 Sitting or lying
Standing upright

Question Title

* 4. Think about the stiffness (not pain) you have in your hip/knee during the last 48 hours. Stiffness is a sensation of decreased
ease in moving your joint.

  0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Extreme
How severe is your stiffness after first awakening in the morning?
How severe is your stiffness after sitting, lying, or resting in the day?

Question Title

* 5. Think about the difficulty you had in doing the following daily physical activities due to your hip/knee during the last 48 hours.
By this we mean your ability to move around and look after yourself.   What degree of difficulty do you have?

  0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Extreme
Descending stairs
Ascending stairs
 Rising from sitting
Bending to the floor
Walking on flat surfaces
Getting in and out of a car, or on or off a bus
Going shopping
Putting on your socks or stockings
Rising from the bed
Taking off your socks or stockings
Lying in bed
Getting in or out of the bath
Getting on or off the toilet
Performance heavy domestic duties
Performing light domestic duties

Question Title

* 6. SCORING - for office use only

PAIN SCORE = add up all scores ______/20 = _______        STIFFNESS SCORE = add up all scores______/8 = ______        PHYSICAL FUNCTION SCORE = add up all scores ______/68 = ______

This questionnaire is taken from: McConnell S, Kolopack P, Davis AM. The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC): a review of its utility and measurement properties. Arthritis Care & Research: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology. 2001 Oct;45(5):453-61.