Share your stories and memories and help us celebrate 100 Years of Mill No. 3 

Throughout the year we will celebrate and examine the fascinating history of this iconic landmark, the stories and lives of the individuals that built Britannia, the technology and the engineering marvels pioneered within Mill No.3, and the changes it has seen over the past 100 years. 

We are asking locals to share their stories and memories of Mill No. 3. We hope to include the information shared with us in our upcoming summer exhibition which will explore the mills, past and present.

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* 1. What does Mill No. 3 represent to you?

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* 2. Tell us about your favourite story or memory involving Mill No. 3

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* 3. How have your thoughts about Mill No. 3 changed over time?

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* 4. Anything else you would like to share? 

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* 5. Please share your name if you wish to be credited if we quote your submission. 

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* 6. If you are a current or former resident of Britannia, when and how long did you live here?