
8% of survey complete.
The survey is being conducted by Michigan Rural EMS Network and the Northern Michigan Fire Chiefs Association.  It is funded through two grants that our organizations received from the department of Health and Human Services and Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The purpose of the survey is to identify factors that affect rural first responders and their agencies. Results from this survey will be used to increase support for first responders and resources for departments. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. 

Leslie Hall, MiREMS Executive Director, Linda Stone, MFCA Executive Director, and Bill Forbush, NMFCA Board Member

Instructions:  Thank you for answering the following questions.  No personally identifying information will be collected or stored when the survey is completed online or when a paper survey is mailed.  Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you may choose not to answer any question on the survey.  At the end of the survey you will be given an opportunity to enter a drawing for one of fifty $25 gift cards using a separate survey that is not connected to your answers.

Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your primary occupation/job (check all that apply)?

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* 4. How many years of service do you have as an emergency responder?

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* 5. In what county/counties do you provide service? (Check all that apply)

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* 6a: What is your level of certification (check all that apply)?

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* 6b: What is your level of certification (check all that apply)?

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* 6c: What is your level of certification (check all that apply)?

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* 7. In which of the following are you interested (check all that apply)?