Survey of Mile Enders on stores in the neighbourhood

As you have no doubt noticed, over the last few years, Mile End has seen a great deal of retail turn-over. Given this context of galloping gentrification, pressures are strong and the long-term prospects for the neighbourhood’s small stores are fragile. In order to brainstorm about this problem—which although experienced all over Montreal, is felt very strongly in Mile End—several organizations and residents of the neighbourhood have created the Coalition Commerce Vie de quartier (Coalition CVQ). Coalition CVQ includes members of Mile End’s citizen committee, Mile End Memories, the Association des Gens d’Affaires du Mile-End (AGAME) and Montréal pour tous.

Members of the Coalition think it is essential to collect the point of view and vision of Mile End residents, that’s why we have created this survey. The data we collect will allow the Coalition CVQ to create a portrait of the habits, needs and wants of Milenders. This will better prepare us to come up with positive approaches, based on our realities which, we can promote when contacting the various municipal and political players.

That’s why we are asking you to fill out the following survey.

With the exception of the data about location, all questions are optional. Feel free to answer those that interest you.


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* 1. In what postal code area do you live?

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* 2. If you no longer live in the neighbourhood, but you previously did, in what postal code area did you live?

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* 3. In what postal code area is your place of work. (If you don't work outside of your home, leave this answer blank).

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* 4. Which 5 shops/businesses do you frequent the most in the neighbourhood? (Including small and large stores/shops of all kinds, places to eat; independent businesses and chains, art, retail, etc.)

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* 5. Which 3 shops/businesses do you consider most iconic and representative of Mile-End's identity?

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* 6. Of the shops/businesses that have closed or moved out of the neighbourhood, which do you miss the most?

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* 7. What type of shop/business would you like to see open in a space that becomes vacant? What’s missing in the neighbourhood?

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* 8. Which shops/businesses in the neighbourhood would you never go to?

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* 9. Why would you not shop there?

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* 10. Do you shop on-line?

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* 11. If you shop on-line, what would you never buy on-line? (Provide up to 3 answers)

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* 12. Do you think there are certain elements that are part of the Mile End identity, in particular, its commercial identity?

Such elements could be words, images, specific examples; things that make the neighbourhood a unique place, with regard to its approach and what it offers in terms of stores/shops.

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* 13. Other comments? Remarks? Ideas?