#MentalHealthMonday Participant Survey Thank you for completing this survey. The estimated completion time is 5-8 minutes. You are welcome to remain anonymous in your response. Your voice will help us to continue improving this series for all women in or seeking recovery. OK Question Title * 1. Your FIRST and LAST name (optional) OK Question Title * 2. Your Email (optional) OK Question Title * 3. What are your pronouns? She/Her They/Them Prefer not to disclose OK Question Title * 4. City OK Question Title * 5. State / Province OK Question Title * 6. Overall, how would you rate the #MentalHealthMonday series? Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsure Needs improvement (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Overall, how would you rate the accessibility and platform quality? Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsure Needs improvement (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. Overall, how would you rate the quality of presenters/presentations? Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsure Needs improvement (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What session(s) or topic(s) did you find most helpful to your recovery? OK Question Title * 10. What specific topic(s) or areas of recovery would you like us to include in the future? OK Question Title * 11. What speakers, influencers, professionals, and/or educators would you like to see present for #MentalHealthMonday? OK Question Title * 12. Have you engaged with, or sought out additional support from, a #MentalHealthMonday Presenter after a #MentalHealthMonday session? Yes No Prefer not to say Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 13. How did you hear about #MentalHealthMonday? SHE RECOVERS Website SHE RECOVERS Newsletter SHE RECOVERS Public Social Media Platform SHE RECOVERS Facebook Event SHE RECOVERS Together or SHE RECOVERS Support Group Other Facebook Group Direct E-invite Media Publication Word of mouth Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 14. What platform did you attend on? SHE RECOVERS Public Facebook Page SHE RECOVERS Private Facebook Group Zoom Webinar Watched the replay on Youtube Watched the replay on the SHE RECOVERS website Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 15. In your own words, please describe the impact #MentalHealthMonday has made in your life. OK Question Title * 16. Do we have permission to share your words as a testimonial in media promoting the #MentalHealthMonday series? (optional). Your submission will remain anonymous if you have chosen not to disclose your name. OK Question Title * 17. In your opinion, has accessing the #MentalHealthMonday Educational series helped improve your human and physical capital in any of the following areas? Check all that apply. * Questions 16 - 18 are about recovery capital. Recovery Capital is the internal and external resources needed for an individual to not only initiate but maintain recovery from substance use and mental health issues. At the root of this concept is the acknowledgment that recovery is an individual journey and each person requires a different level of support and responds to different types of resources to achieve that goal. Life skills Interpersonal skills Coping strategies Values Self-awareness Improved outlook Self-esteem Hopes Goals Knowledge Hobbies & interests Hosing & shelter Financial health Workplace Employment Nutrition Physical health Mental health Spiritual health Education None of the above OK Question Title * 18. In your opinion, has accessing the #MentalHealthMonday Educational series helped improve your social capital? Check all that apply. Friendships Sense of belonging Relationships Family dynamics Intimacy None of the above OK Question Title * 19. In your opinion, has accessing the #MentalHealthMonday Educational series helped improve your Cultural & Community Capital? Check all that apply. Support networks Community resources & participation Reduce stigma Community values & beliefs None of the above OK Question Title * 20. Is there any additional feedback you would like to provide? OK Question Title * 21. Would you like to receive updates and invitations specific to the #MentalHealthMonday Educational Series? Yes ( please visit sherecovers.org/mental-health-mondays to register ) No OK DONE