Question Title

* 1. Which of our programs did you attend today? 

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* 2. Who completed this survey?

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* 3. How long did it take you to get an appointment with the program?

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* 4. How long have you been receiving care with this program?

Question Title

* 5. Please identify which of the following community services you are aware of (check all that apply).

Question Title

* 6. What supports do you have in your community (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 7. The following questions are about your experiences around the program or service:

  Always Usually Sometimes Never
Are you kept waiting a long time when you have appointments?
How often is the area where you receive services clean?
How often are the common areas (hallway, lobby, etc.) clean? 
Do you feel safe when you are here?
Are you given enough privacy when discussing your issues or treatment with staff?

Question Title

* 8. Do you feel that you have been treated unfairly for any of the following reasons?

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* 9. Apart from talking to your nurse, doctor or treatment team, do you know how to make a complaint at this hospital?

Question Title

* 10. Please answer the following questions about your experience with the Mental Health and Addictions Program staff:

  Always Usually Sometimes Never
Do staff return your phone calls within a reasonable amount of time?
Did the staff introduce themselves to you? 
Did the staff explain their role before they offered care? 
Are you involved as much as you want in decisions about your treatment?
Were your individual needs, preferences, and cultural values respected in your treatment?
Do you feel that you are treated with courtesy and respect by Mental Health and Addictions staff?
Do you feel that staff support your improvement and recovery?
Do staff tell you about other services and supports available in the community? 
Do you feel that enough care is taken of any physical health problems you have (diabetes, weight gain, heart disease)?

Question Title

* 11. Please answer the following questions about your experience with the Mental Health and Addictions Program:

  Definitely For the most part Somewhat Not at all I don't know/Not applicable
Do you understand your care plan?
Do staff clearly explain the purpose of medication?
Do staff clearly explain possible medication side effects?
Do you feel that you can refuse treatment (for example, medications)?
As a result of your care with this program, do you feel better prepared to deal with daily problems?
As a result of your care with this program or service, do you feel more ready to accomplish the things you want to do? 
Overall, are you being helped by your care with this program or service?

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* 12. What is your sex/gender?

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* 13. What is your age? 

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* 14. If you needed treatment again, would you choose to come back to this program or service?

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* 15. Would you recommend the Mental Health and Addictions Program of the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre to friends and family? 

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* 16. Using any number from 1 - 10, where 1 is the WORST health centre possible, and 10 is the BEST health centre possible, how would you rate the program?

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* 17. What would have made your experience with this program or service better?

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* 18. What has been a positive part of your experience with this program or service?