
The State of Ohio is currently preparing the PY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. Ohio’s Consolidated Plan assesses and addresses the non-housing community development needs of the state’s non-entitlement communities. This survey is intended for members of the general public and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administrators to provide feedback on what community development and economic development gaps and challenges currently exist in the areas where they live and work. All survey responses are anonymous and will be summarized in the Consolidated Plan’s Needs Assessment section.

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* 2. Select the county or counties in which you provide services and/or operate.

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* 3. In order to better understand the community needs across the state please select the top five community development public improvement needs in your community(ies).

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* 4. In order to better understand the community needs across the state please rank the top five community development public service needs in your community(ies) with 1 being the least important need and 5 being the most important.

  1 – Not important 2 – Somewhat important 3 – Important 4 – Very important 5 – Most Important
Public services for the disabled
Services for the elderly
Youth programs and services
Homeless and domestic violence services
Medical and nutrition programs

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* 5. Rank the top five economic development needs in your community(ies) with 1 being the least important need and 5 being the most important.

  1 – Not Important 2 –Somewhat Important 3 – Important 4 – Very important 5 – Most important
Access to water and sewer
Access to power
Access to broadband internet
Improved infrastructure (off-site)
Low-income job creation
Transportation/access to jobs
Central business district improvements
Machinery and equipment
Land or building acquisition
Access to capital

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* 6. List the top five community development challenges in your community(ies). (write in response)

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* 7. List the top five economic development challenges in your community(ies). (write-in response)

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* 8. What, if any, community development projects do you believe positively impacted your community?

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* 9. What, if any, economic development projects do you believe positively impacted your community?

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* 10. Select the populations below that you believe are currently underserved in your community(ies) and could benefit from community and economic development projects

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* 11. Please rate your knowledge of state-administered grants available for your area.

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* 12. If you would like to receive more information about housing and community planning in the future, please provide your name and email address.