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The Town of Ashford is undertaking this survey as part of the development of a 5-year Affordable Housing Plan as mandated by Section 8-30j of the Connecticut General Statutes. Housing that is “affordable” should generally require less than 30% of the median household income.
Input of our residents and other stakeholders is crucial to the development of this Plan. Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. What is your connection to Ashford?

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* 2. How important do you feel affordable housing is to Ashford's long-term vitality?

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* 3. Do you think the housing options currently available in Ashford fit existing residents’ needs?

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* 4. Do you think that the existing housing stock in Ashford is adequate to satisfy future market demands?

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* 5. How do you think increasing the housing options in Ashford would impact the Town?

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* 6. Are you concerned with the overall cost of housing/homeownership in Ashford?

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* 7. What do YOU consider to be a reasonable cost for housing in Ashford? (Select one)

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* 8. If you think more housing options are needed in Ashford, for whom do you think they are most needed?

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* 9. What types of affordable housing is needed in Ashford? Please rank your choices (1 being the top priority).

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* 10. Please rank, in your opinion, the biggest potential obstacles to the development of more housing opportunities in Ashford from 1 (biggest obstacle) to 6 (smallest obstacle):

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* 11. How Important should it be for Ashford to require new housing to be energy efficient, even if that results in increased construction costs?

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* 12. For demographic purposes, it is helpful to have a sense of household income and ownership status of those responding to this survey. Do you rent or own your residence?

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* 13. Please indicate which annual household income range you currently fall under. Note: Household income measures the combined incomes of all people sharing a particular household or place of residence and includes every form of income.

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* 14. What is your age?

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* 15. Are there any other comments or questions you want to share about affordable housing, or housing policy in Ashford?

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. If you'd like to stay informed as to the progress of the Town's Affordable Housing Plan, please visit:
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