Newsletter Subscriber Survey
How many times have you visited Chautauqua in the last four years?
Three times
About monthly
About Weekly
Most days
What have been your main reasons for visiting Chautauqua in recent times (select up to five)
Concert, talk or performance in Auditorium or Community House
Enjoy Natural setting of Chautauqua - Flatiron views, gardens and grounds, wildlife
Outdoor activity - hiking, tennis, pickleball, frisbee etc.
Essential stop when touring visitors around Boulder
Stay in Chautauqua cottage or lodge
Visit guests staying in Chautauqua cottages and lodges
Visit Chautauqua residents (or I am a Chautauqua resident)
Attend Chautauqua Community Festivals eg. Winterfest, Festival Del Sol, 125 Birthday Bash
Attend private celebration, wedding or memorial service
Take photographs
Celebrate personal or family milestone
Attend corporate meeting or Chautauqua retreat
Dine at Chautauqua Dining Hall
Get coffee, ice cream or gifts at Chautauqua General Store
Take children to the playground
Browse Art In The Park bears, birdhouses and benches
Other (please specify)
What were the most memorable parts of your recent Chautauqua visits? (select up to 3)
Specific artist performance
Meal at Dining Hall
Charm and comfort of Chautauqua cottages
General Store and Chautauqua Cafe
Well maintained buildings, gardens, grounds
Flatirons themed playground
Art In The Park - bears, birdhouses or benches
Spending time with my pet
Being in Auditorium or Community House - community feeling, architecture, acoustics, history
Customer service - from Chautauqua staff and volunteers
Visitor or guest experiences - history tour, tree tour, guided hike, yoga, mindfulness, women's retreat etc.
Time to reconnect with family or friends
Other (please specify)
How would you primarily characterize Chautauqua? (pick one or two)
Vacation resort
Arts and Entertainment hub for Boulder
Unique concert venue
National Historic Landmark
Hiking base
Boulder Treasure
Can't characterize
Other (please specify)
We'd love to hear what makes Chautauqua special for you. What three words come to mind?
What improvements have you noticed at Chautauqua? (select all that apply)
Cottages and Academic Hall - exterior appearance, maintenance, landscaping etc.
Cottage interiors (if visited during Winterfest or a tour, stayed or hosted visitors)
Auditorium - exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
Community House - exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
More diversity of events and performers
Higher quality of cultural and entertainment programming
New (mostly free) Community Events eg. Art In The Park, Festival Del Sol, Birthday Bash, Winterfest
Restrooms by Auditorium and Dining Hall
General Store - building, offerings
New Chautauqua Cafe covered gathering space
Dining Hall - building, menus, customer service
Accessibility of buildings and grounds
Visitor and guest experiences - yoga, tree tours, mindfulness, guided hikes, history tours, women's retreats
Tech services and Wifi
Pre and post event communications
Chautauqua website and newsletter - look, content, functionality
Ease of purchasing tickets
Focus on sustainable practices
Visibility in media and the community
Other (please specify)
Which of the improvements you noted mattered most to you? (select no more than two)
Cottages and Academic Hall - exterior appearance, maintenance, landscaping etc.
Cottage interiors (if visited during Winterfest or a tour, stayed or hosted visitors)
Auditorium - exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
Community House - exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
Higher quality of cultural and entertainment programming
More diversity of events and performers
New (mostly free) community events - eg. Art In The Park, Festival Del Sol, Birthday Bash, Winterfest, Flatiron Sounds Music Festival etc.
Restrooms by Auditorium and Dining Hall
Gardens and grounds - plantings, upkeep
General Store - building, offerings
New Chautauqua Cafe covered gathering space
Accessibility of buildings and grounds
Dining Hall - building, menus, customer service
Visitor and guest experiences - yoga, tree tours, mindfulness, guided hikes, history tours, women's retreats
Tech services and Wifi
Pre and post event communications
Chautauqua website and newsletter - look, content, functionality
Ease of purchasing tickets
Focus on sustainable practices
Visibility in media and the community
Other (please specify)
What improvements would you like to see at Chautauqua? (select all that apply)
Cottages and Academic Hall - general appearance, maintenance, landscaping etc.
Cottage interiors (if visited during Winterfest or a tour, stayed or hosted visitors)
Auditorium - exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
Community House exterior or interior appearance, comfort, lighting, sound
Restrooms by Auditorium and Dining Hall
Quality of cultural and entertainment programming
Diversity of events and performers
Improvements to current community events
New types of community events (please specify what under Other)
Gardens and grounds
General Store
Dining Hall
Chautauqua Cafe covered gathering space
Accessibility of buildings and grounds (please identify any concerns under Other)
Dining Hall menus and service
Visitor and guest experiences - yoga, tree tours, mindfulness, guided hikes, history tours, women's retreats
Tech services and Wifi
Pre and post event communications
Chautauqua website and newsletter - look, content, functionality
Ease of purchasing tickets
Focus on sustainable practices (please specify which under Other)
Visibility in media and the community
Other (please specify)
How would you rate the value of your Chautauqua experience?
Extremely valuable
Very valuable
Somewhat valuable
Not so valuable
Not at all valuable
How likely would you be to recommend visiting Chautauqua?
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely
What is most interesting to you in our newsletter? (select up to 3)
Lodging promotions and discounts
Concert announcements and upcoming concerts
Articles about Chautauqua in the News
Community Events and Art In The Park displays and auctions
Dining Hall special events and menus
Volunteer opportunities
Support Opportunities
Contests with local partners like Liberty Puzzles
General Store Sales and new items
News, Promotions and Discounts for Private Event hosts
Upcoming retreats and experiences like Women's Retreats, Yoga and Guided Hikes
Other (please specify)
Are you aware that Chautauqua is a 501c-3 nonprofit with a mission to preserve, protect and perpetuate Chautauqua's buildings and programming in a way that is sustainable and welcoming to all? How much does that matter to you?
Yes I am aware and am already a Chautauqua member or donor
Yes I am aware and that makes a big difference to me
Yes I am aware and that makes some difference to me
Yes I am aware but that makes no difference to me
No I was not aware, but knowing it now makes a difference to how I think about Chautauqua
No I was not aware and knowing it now makes no difference to how I think about Chautauqua
How likely are you to attend an event at Chautauqua in the next couple of years
Most likely
Very unlikely
How likely are you to stay in a Chautauqua cottage or lodge or host visitors at Chautauqua in the next couple of years
Most likely
Very unlikely
What is likely to be the main purpose of your next visit to Chautauqua? (pick up to three)
Attend a Chautauqua event (concert, talk, community festival)
Attend a Chautauqua event and stay in Chautauqua lodging
Stop on Boulder visitor tour
Have a meal at the Dining Hall
Staycation or reunion with friends or family in Chautauqua lodging
Host visitors in a Chautauqua cottage or lodge
Relax in the gardens and grounds
Host private event in Chautauqua venue (party, wedding, memorial service)
Attend private event in Chautauqua venue (party, wedding, memorial service)
Celebrate personal or family milestone
Take part in a Chautauqua or corporate retreat or conference
Other (please specify)
Where do you live?
Boulder/Boulder County
Denver and suburbs
Colorado Springs
Other Colorado (excluding all mentioned above)
Other West/Northwest (excluding California)
North East
South West (excluding Texas)
South East
If region or international chosen (please specify your home state or country)
What is your age group?
Under 18
Prefer not to specify
What is your gender?
Prefer not to specify
What is your ethnicity?
Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Your feedback is important to us. Please feel free to add any additional thoughts or comments
Thank you so much for completing our survey. Your feedback makes all the difference. Please enter your email below if you would like to be entered in our prize drawing for a lodging stay, concert tickets and more!