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Please complete the pretest below.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Below which PaCO2 Value is considered hyperventilation?

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* 4. Prophylactic Hyperventilation is an effective way to prevent ICP in severe TBI patients.

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* 5. It is safe to hyperventilate a patient as low as 30mmHg as long as the brain oxygenation (PbtO2) remains above 20 mmHg?

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* 6.  First line treatment in all patients with ICP > 22 mmHG should be paralytics.

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* 7. What is the first line treatment (medication) for a patient that is actively herniation?

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* 8. Please assign the intervention to the correct tier:

  Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Transfusion 1 unit of PRBC if Hgb < 9g/L
Secondary decompressive craniectomy
Temperature management to prevent fever
Increase FiO2 to 60%
Sedation to prevent agitation
Maintain CPP 60-70mm HG
Increase sedation
Avoid hyponatremia

Question Title

* 9. Determine if this is an intervention to lower ICP or increase Brain oxygenation:

  ICP Management Brain Oxygenation Management Both
Decrease PaCO2
Increase CPP to maximum of 70 mmHg with fluid and pressers
Hypertonic Saline by intermittent bolus
Transfusion 1 unit of PRBC if Hgb < 9g/L

Question Title

* 10. Name orders that should be standard for every severe TBI patient:

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* 11. Which of the following treatments are NOT recommended in severe TBI patients?

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* 12.  What is the ICP threshold beyond which ICP should be treated?

Question Title

* 13. What is the PbtO2 threshold below which PbtO2?

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