This is a survey for Phase 3a, The Local Centre and Phases 5a and 5c. Following review of the display boards, please fill out the survey.

Question Title

* 1. “The Plaza is a well-designed area of open space to encourage use by the community”.

Do you agree with this statement? Please provide comments to support your answer.
If no, how would you improve it?

Question Title

* 2. What uses would you like at the local centre?

Question Title

* 3. “The designs for Phase 3a provide clear pedestrian and cycle connectivity in all key directions in North West Haverhill".

Do you agree with this statement?

Question Title

* 4. “The Local Centre is designed in a way to present it as a key landmark building” (Such as height, scale, roof line, materials used).

Do you agree with this statement? Please provide comments to support your answer.

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any ideas of how to improve the Local Centre building elevations/ design? (Such as different materials, windows, roofline, etc).

Question Title

* 6. “The contemporary design of the Phase 3a residential units are effective and provide a satisfactory contrast to the traditional design in the area”.

Do you agree with this statement? Please provide comments to support your answer.
If no, how would you improve it?

Question Title

* 7. “The designs for Phase 5a and 5c provide clear pedestrian and cycle connectivity in all key directions in North West Haverhill".

Do you agree with this statement?

Question Title

* 8. “The traditional design of the Phase 5a and 5c residential units are effective and are innkeeping with Haverhill."

Do you agree with this statement? Please provide comments to support your answer.
If no, how would you improve it?

Question Title

* 9. Which of these statements best describes your opinions about proposals? This includes the layouts, plaza design, elevations, etc.