The Adaptation Fund Survey on locally-led adaptation (LLA) funding modalities |
Welcome to the Adaptation Fund Survey on locally-led adaptation (LLA) funding modalities!
This survey is part of consultations that will feed into the design of the Adaptation Fund’s locally led adaptation (LLA) funding modalities that will be presented at the 42nd meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board in March 2024.
Given your experience with locally-led adaptation as a funder, implementer, thought leader, Indigenous/gender/youth leader, expert and/or practitioner we would highly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out the survey. While the Survey is in English, you can add your input in any of the UN languages. Thank you for your time and valuable input.
With increased experience in adaptation projects, most lessons learned show that adaptation action is more efficient when designed and overseen at the local level, as local actors, communities, and governments are more directly engaged and empowered and can adopt flexible and incremental solutions that accommodate future changes in climate risks.
The Adaptation Fund is one of the first funders that has been financing locally led adaptation approaches since becoming operational. It has endorsed the LLA principles and has embedded locally based and locally led adaptation as a new crosscutting theme in its medium-term strategy 2023-2027 as it seeks to further help supply finance to the local communities across its funding windows. The Adaptation Fund is also considering opening an additional funding window dedicated to LLA, taking into account the Fund’s experiences on local actions including the Direct Access, Enhanced Direct Access modalities, and other innovative modalities of the Fund. The results of this survey will feed into the design of the LLA funding modalities.
Given your experience with locally-led adaptation as a funder, implementer, thought leader, Indigenous/gender/youth leader, expert and/or practitioner we would highly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out the survey. While the Survey is in English, you can add your input in any of the UN languages. Thank you for your time and valuable input.
With increased experience in adaptation projects, most lessons learned show that adaptation action is more efficient when designed and overseen at the local level, as local actors, communities, and governments are more directly engaged and empowered and can adopt flexible and incremental solutions that accommodate future changes in climate risks.
The Adaptation Fund is one of the first funders that has been financing locally led adaptation approaches since becoming operational. It has endorsed the LLA principles and has embedded locally based and locally led adaptation as a new crosscutting theme in its medium-term strategy 2023-2027 as it seeks to further help supply finance to the local communities across its funding windows. The Adaptation Fund is also considering opening an additional funding window dedicated to LLA, taking into account the Fund’s experiences on local actions including the Direct Access, Enhanced Direct Access modalities, and other innovative modalities of the Fund. The results of this survey will feed into the design of the LLA funding modalities.