The surveillance of CPE is not designed as a hospital performance indicator but a measure of burden of CPE in the patient population. Reporting of surveillance data enables clinicians and other staff to be up to date with emerging threats and helps in allocation of appropriate resources to surveillance programs. VICNISS is keen to provide these reports, and is looking for your input in the process.

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* 1. What is the VICNISS-assigned hospital ID for the hospital where you work the most? This helps us determine hospital size and TRA status.

All remaining questions will pertain to this healthcare facility only.

The next few questions are about data collection.

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* 2. For the average CPE case, what is the estimated total staff time spent on completing the DHHS CPE Form Part A: Confirmed CPE Event? (Does not include contact tracing)

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* 3. For the average CPE case, what is the estimated total staff time spent on completing the DHHS CPE Form Part B: Outbreak case risk history (Does not include contact tracing)

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* 4. On average, which data field from either Part A or B requires the largest allocation of staff time?

In the next few questions, tell us about CPE guideline implementation at your hospital…

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* 5. Is FTE allocated (funded) for implementing CPE guidelines?