The Atlanta Local Food Initiative (ALFI) seeks to support the production and distribution of local food from Metro Atlanta farms to Metro Atlanta fresh food outlets. In order to improve distribution and access, we need to know more about the farms where food is coming from. We intend to highlight successes; find where to focus support and attention; and find creative solutions to distribution that we hope will assist you and other producers like you!

Under no circumstances will we use your information for marketing purposes or for mailing lists. The information collected here will be used for statistical purposes and your answers will not be used or shared in relation to your personal information, unless you choose.

If you choose, we will gladly list your name as a sustainable farm partner and include you in conversations about optimal distribution systems. Unless you choose this option, we will not use or share your information with anyone.

Question Title

* 1. Farm, Business, or Organization Name:

We think it’s important to understand the distribution of farms throughout Metro Atlanta, so please tell us where your farm is. We will not share your address with anyone else or use it for marketing purposes. However, at the end of this survey, there is an opportunity to indicate whether you would like to have your farm marked on our map.

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* 2. Where is your farm located?

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* 3. Contact Information

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* 4. Website:

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* 5. Which of the following products do you produce on your farm? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Please select the certifications and production practices that apply to the products you selected above. Check all that apply.

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* 7. In which seasons do you harvest food? Check all that apply.

Please estimate the following:

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* 8. Acres under sustainable crop production:

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* 9. Acres under sustainable Pasture Management:

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* 10. % Soil Organic Matter on your farm (if known):

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* 11. Who owns the land that your farm is on?

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* 12. Please provide the original open date of this farm:


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* 13. Please select the age of the farm manager (s). Choose the farmer/ manager who is ultimately responsible for major decisions about farm operations. If there is more than one manager, please take the average age.

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* 14. Please indicate the services and programs your farm offers. Check all that apply.

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* 15. In 2011, how many paid agricultural workers and support staff did you employ?

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* 16. Please provide the number of people intensively trained at this farm from Jan 2008 until present.
Includes number trained to the ability of opening their own farming operation

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* 17. In 2011, what was the farm or organizations’ annual revenue? This will not be used or shared in relation to your personal information.

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* 18. In 2011, how many full-time equivalents were employed on your farm?
For example, someone working full time is one FTE, someone working half that amount is 0.5 FTE, etc.

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* 19. Please select the distribution outlets that you currently utilize. Check all that apply.

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* 20. What year did you begin selling your product in Metro Atlanta?

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* 21. Please list the Farmers Markets where you currently sell:

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* 22. Please provide the volume of food (lbs) sold in 2011:

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* 23. Please provide the volume of food (lbs) donated in 2011:
(ex: for an event/sponsorship, to ACFB, a shelter, etc.)

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* 24. If you donated food in 2011, please list donation recipients:

CSA: (if applicable)

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* 25. How many boxes does your CSA distribute on average per week?

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* 26. How many weeks does your CSA operate per year?

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* 27. Please estimate the number of individuals or families that purchase from you annually:

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* 28. How many drop box locations do you have in total?

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* 29. Please list your CSA drop points. Please include your farm address as a location if you offer on farm pick up.

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* 30. We are producing a map of farms in Metro Atlanta. With your permission, we would like to mark your farm on our map.

May we mark your farm on our map?

Question Title

* 31. Would you like to have your farm name published as a sustainable farm partner to be included in conversations about optimal distribution systems?

Question Title

* 32. Additional Comments:

Thank you for your time!