Department of Prevention & Human Services Community Survey


The Department of Prevention & Human Services is an interdisciplinary team comprised of compassionate professionals working together to support the community health and wellness of Ashland. In collaboration with local, regional, and statewide partners we support the needs of all community residents through prevention, education, social support, resource referral, and case management. 

We are here to promote, elevate, and sustain the positive health & wellbeing of all Ashland residents.

As we build our department offerings, we are looking for input on what is most important to Ashland residents and the types of programs & services you want for our community.
1.The Department will serve Ashland residents of all ages.

What age group are you interested in seeing new programs and services for? (Select all that apply)
2.The Department is looking to provide programs, educational opportunities, and services/supports to enhance community health.

What topics would you like to see addressed? (select all that apply)
3.The Department would like to provide programs, educational opportunities, and services/supports in a variety of formats. What formats would you be most likely to participate in? (select all that apply)
4.How else could the Department support the positive health and wellbeing of Ashland residents?