
Within the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society, Health Professionals Special Interest Group, under the supervision of the Prof. Doutora Catarina Godinho, authorization is required to participate in the study “Assessing Educational Needs of Non-Physician Healthcare Professionals Providing Care to Individuals with Movement Disorders” to “Non-Physician Healthcare Professionals” to identify trends in clinical practice and educational needs of nonphysician healthcare practitioners working with individuals living with movement disorders, which consists of completing an online survey which should take you 10-15 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the survey, there will be no additional requirements for your participation.
You might want to participate in this study if you work with or volunteer with those affected by Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders. However, you might not want to participate in this study if you do not have the time or interest to complete the survey. You may choose to participate in this research study if you are a person who is over the age of 18.
There is no identifying information contained in the survey, the potential risks are negligible, especially when compared to the possible benefit of potentially identifying new resources to improve the community offerings for those with movement disorders. You will not receive compensation for participation. Taking part in this study is voluntary. It is your choice whether you take part in this study. If you agree to participate and then choose to withdraw from the study, that is your right, and your decision will not be held against you.
Participation in this online survey involves the potential for the loss of confidentiality, similar to a person’s everyday use of the internet. All electronic data collected from this study will be stored in a secure location at the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society Secretariat, and/or a secure MDS server for at least three (3) years past the end of this research.
All research-related materials will be stored on a password-protected computer in the locked office of the Primary Investigator, Catarina Godinho, Ph.D., located at the Egas Moniz School of Health and Science, Monte de Caparica. Research records will be labeled with a code, and the master key linking names with codes will be maintained in a separate and secure location. The results of this study may be published and/or presented without naming you as a participant.
ID: 1241/2023

Question Title

* 1. I have read the consent, and I agree to take part in this study: