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The modern legal ecosystem demands a different approach in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Today, legal professionals need to equip themselves to deal with the changing dynamics of economic, technological and financial environments. Lawyers today need new skills to thrive, and law schools must be able to ensure that their graduating students acquire these skills, to the extent possible, during their studies.

BML Munjal University (BMU) and Vahura are undertaking collaborative research with lawyers across the country. A report will be prepared, drawn from the insights gathered through this collaborative survey. The report and key findings will be shared with the media and industry/stakeholders such as parents and children interested in pursuing a legal education. Thank you in advance for contributing your insights, which will help evolve legal education, to meet the needs of the future.

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* 2. Gender:

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* 3. Designation:

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* 6. How do you see the practice of law changing in India over the next 10 years? (select all that apply)

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* 7. According to you, how important are the following qualities in young lawyers?

  Not at all important Slightly Important Important Fairly Important Very Important
Research and analytical skills
Knowledge of the law
Oral and written communication skills
Attention to detail
Ability to Work Hard
Emotional Intelligence
Ownership Mindset
Commercial Acumen

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* 8. Will technology disrupt the legal profession?

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* 9. According to you, what percentage of day to day legal work could be taken over by technology, such as AI (due diligence, smart contracts for example) in the next 3 to 5 years?

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* 10. Are law schools in India keeping up with the changing environment?

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* 11. Does India need more law schools to cater to the market demand for lawyers?

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* 12. Which of the following key focus areas are the most important for a law school? (select all that apply)

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* 13. How important is it for organisations to spend time training their young lawyers, in the following areas?

  Not at all important Slightly Important Important Fairly Important Very Important
Specialised areas of law - corporate, securities, taxation
Project management skills
Research skills
Time management
Business Communication
Hands-on technology training
Knowledge Management
Professional Development - how to work in a corporate setting
People skills

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* 14. What skills would be most important in the next 3-5 years? (select all that apply)

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* 15. What advice would you like to give to a law student about to enter the legal profession? (optional)

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* 16. If you would like us to quote your comment in our report, please leave your name and email address in the space below:

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