MDHI Membership Application

MDHI Stakeholders and Board of Directors voted to approve an updated CoC Governance Charter in June 2018. The charter formally defines CoC membership benefits and responsibilities. 

Thank you for your interest in applying as a CoC member. All membership applications will be reviewed and confirmation sent to the email you provide within three business days. 

Please direct any questions to 

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* 1. Please provide your contact information:

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* 2. I will be the primary CoC liaison for my organization.

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* 3. Please indicate which parts of the Metro Denver region you will represent as a CoC member (select all that apply):

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* 4. Member category (please check all that apply)

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* 5. As a CoC member, I will commit to the following, as detailed in the MDHI Governance Charter: 
1. Supporting the implementation of the CoC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and maintaining (as applicable) an acceptable HMIS data quality rating (established by the HMIS Lead) for all relevant resources connected to the system.
2. Supporting the CoC’s coordinated entry system (known as OneHome) and using OneHome (as applicable) to receive all referrals for housing resources funded through the CoC, and to maximize the receipt of referrals from OneHome for non-CoC funded housing resources.
3. Contributing staff capacity (as applicable) to planning and implementing the CoC’s annual Point-in-Time (PIT) counts.
4. Adopting and implementing Housing First principles and evidence-based practices (as applicable).
5. Attending semiannual stakeholder meetings organized by MDHI.
6 If an organization, assign one individual to serve as the primary liaison to the CoC, responsible for representing MDHI within their organization, ensuring that trainings and stakeholder meetings are attended, and informing the organization’s leadership of matters related to the CoC. Each such liaison will be required to complete a conflict of interest disclosure statement.
7. Supporting the efforts of individuals appointed to serve on CoC committees.

Please note: CoC members represent a variety of groups, including groups that are not CoC-funded and/or do not provide direct services to persons experiencing homelessness. Participation in HMIS and OneHome are required of CoC-funded programs. For non-CoC funded members, the commitment is to collectively support these CoC efforts.

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* 6. Membership benefits: 
1. Apply for funding opportunities passed through the CoC by HUD and other funding bodies (for example, funding from HUD’s CoC and ESG programs).
2. Vote at annual stakeholder meetings. Voting is limited to one designee per member organization.
3. Have staff members appointed to CoC committees as voting members, with the authority to make formal recommendations to the CoC Board of Directors.
4. Receive technical assistance from MDHI and its partners to support the implementation of effective program operations.