Survey questions page

The Voices of Geelong community group seeks to engage the local community in meaningful dialogue to understand our community's needs, concerns, and aspirations.

We want to hear from as many people in the community as possible. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think is important.

Your answers will be treated anonymously and your personal details will not be connected to any responses.

The information we get through this survey will be compiled into a report summarising community views that we will publish later in 2024, and provide to our local representatives and political candidates so they know what's important to you.

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* 1. Please enter your postcode

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* 2. What are the most important topics or issues that you'd like your Federal representative to address? Please select your top five.

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* 3. What are three qualities you want in your Federal representative?

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* 4. Do you feel your current Federal representative has the qualities you have identified above?

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* 5. Do you feel you have an adequate say in the way you are represented Federally?

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* 6. Would you give your first preference vote to an independent candidate at the next Federal election?

If you would like to join the email list for Voices of Geelong to keep up to date with our activities, please provide your details below. You can sign up to our newsletter (and more) on

Question Title

* 7. Name

100% of survey complete.