Thank you for attending MDE's Black History Month Dining Room Discussion.  Your feedback below will help us to continuously improve future events and shape programming in support of all Michigan students.

Question Title

* Rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
Attending the Dining Room Discussion was a good use of my time
The presenters recommended strategies that can help to improve educational outcomes for students in Michigan
Urban core districts can benefit from listening to the Dining Room Discussion
The content provided addressed current needs in Michigan
I will share information from this event with others
I will use the information from this event in my work

Question Title

* Which "Call to Action" policies and/or strategies do you think would make the greatest impact?

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* What suggestions do you have to improve future sessions?

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* Would you be interested in hearing a similar discussion in 2020?

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* If yes, what topic would be of most interest to you?

Question Title

* Optional: Please share your contact information