Mandated Reporting: From the Professional Perspective

THANK-YOU for taking the time to complete this survey. THIS IS AN ANONYMOUS SURVEY. The information collected is being used to evaluate the the reporting system in Maryland from the professional's perspective. All data will be analyzed and prepared in report form. No identifying information will be attached to responses. If you are interested in seeing the results of this survey, please contact 

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* 1. What is your profession?

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* 2. What city/county do you work in?

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* 3. Do you know what a mandated reporter is?

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* 4. Are you a mandated reporter?

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* 5. Have you received any formal training on identifying, reporting and preventing child abuse and neglect?

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* 6. If no, would you be willing to participate in a free 1 hour online training that explains how to identify, report, and prevent child abuse and neglect as well as educate you on your rights and protections as a mandated reporter?

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* 7. Did you know you can report suspected child abuse anonymously?

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* 8. Has there ever been a time where you suspected a child was being abused or neglect?

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* 9. If Yes, did you report it to your supervisor or to the local department?

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* 10. If No, what kept you from reporting?

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* 11. Have you ever made a report to your local department?

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* 12. If Yes, how did you find the local department's reporting line?

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* 13. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the worst, what was your experience reporting to the local department?

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* 14. Do you think the local department and current reporting systems are effective and thorough in taking reports of suspected child abuse and neglect from reporters?

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* 15. Per Maryland Family Law 5-704, are you aware of what your duties are as a mandated reporter?

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* 16. Did you know that there are laws that protect you from liability if you make a report in good faith?

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* 17. Did you know that your name and contact information are confidential and that it is against the law to release the reporter's personal information?

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* 18. As a mandated reporter, would having a statewide hotline to report suspected child abuse make reporting easier?

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* 19. Please share any other relevant good and/or bad experiences you have or other information regarding mandated reporting in the State of Maryland